Thursday, 24 September 2009

Yee Haw

Judging at the GABF is hard work, no seriously! The quality of the beer is for the most pretty good, and in places stellar, with fewer brewing defects in general than most other competitions I've judged but what is really amazing is the level of technical detail that they look for.

Now that may sound super-nerdy but judging within strongly classified classes and styles actually makes the process a lot easier but the level of information and feedback they encourage you to give is very intensive.

But, all that stuff aside, I've met some truly fantastic people who I hope to stay in contact with for many years and I would be delighted to come back to Denver because, I must confess, the Falling Rock pub is simply the best place to drink I've ever been - I could kick the bucket in that place and die happy! If you want to see what I'm talking about then click here.

Sorry for the brevity of the post but festival is now open so I'm off to do the rounds, I'll be taking names and making notes so will feed back to you what I've had tomorrow but I sadly can't tell you anything about the beers that I've been judging until it's all over but there are soooo some I'll be seeking out over the next few days that's for sure!

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